I thank God for my Mother. She cares for all the little things too. 94 years strong!
Easter 2023
Easter 2023
Thank you Jesus for the blood you applied
Thank you Jesus you have saved my life
Brought from the darkness into glorious light.
All Truth be told.
Come watch and sing with us tonight and tomorrow.
Delta Tunnels have negative impact
Delta Tunnels have no positive impact on the Delta.
Please send your comment by email to DLL-DCP-EIS@usace.army.mil
Deadline is March 16 at midnight…
Thank you,
Wade Lokka
Merry Christmas!
Independent Advisor in the same category as Independent Contractor
Help support your independent advisor continue to work in your best interest. The link will inform you of the vote next week. Send an email or make a call. I appreciate your effort.
Veterans Day 2022
It is time to remember each Veteran who wore a uniform protecting our Freedom! I remember my Father who served in an Army uniform in WWII and my Father in law who wore a Marine uniform and my son Gregory who wore a Marine uniform in Afghanistan – 3 tours of duty.
Well done American Veterans of all wars and times of peace. We have times of Peace Thanks to You!
Freedom Friday
Freedom Friday
I will not vote for another Godless Leader!
Praying and doing homework in preparation
Research versus Homework
I am working through a back nerve pain (maybe) in the 28th day. Today I had an in person in depth discussion about all the factors. It came clear to me that the best thing I could do is – my homework. He as the experienced professional needs to do – the research.
In my practice this matters in the same way for my client to stay on a successful path. The path has obstacles and when both do their best work then the best is the result!
Open House July 13!
My office is helping host! Come and enjoy the party!