
Holocaust Memorial Day

I have a keen sense of seeking the Truth in history. The Bible tells stories that are revealed in history and can be scary these days as our culture thinks it can do life without God.
Today the Jewish Faith honors Yom HaShoah the Memorial Day of the Holocaust 1930’s and 1940’s in Germany and Europe.

Take a moment and remember the evil that can happen in our World. Make a point to guide others toward Holy living!

March for Life

March for Life because you are alive!
What does God say about your life?
What does God mean with you life?
What does life mean to you?
The Bible is your answer book. You were created by a God that loves you forever.
The March for Life is demonstrating God’s facts. Life starts before birth; period. Science is still discovering God’s creation.
Just because you do not see something does not invalidate it. We can grow to learn to live by Faith in God by Trusting Him. Start by knowing His Truth.

March and Remember

Get Marching!
Where will your March lead today?
A March takes preparation and purpose.
Dr Martin Luther King prepared with reading, study and listening to God’s will.
Marines prepare in boot camp for the crucible so they know they are mentally and physically ready to fulfill the commitment to each other in extreme battle.
March on to Victory! Prepare carefully and listen to God’s directions everyday for He will make your path straight. Go the distance while remembering to whom you belong.
March prepared and remember 🙂


Behold – my favorite word
Jesus – my favored Savior
Born this day to you a Savior Jesus the Christ of CHRISTmas!
Behold the Son of God.
May your life be filled with God’s “presents”

Christmas Sunday Services

Creekside Christian Church goes live in Elk Grove, CA! Yes our two Sunday services will have our live Choir and Orchestra at 9am and 10:45am TODAY! Let’s GO!
Yes I will be singing too, You are invited and welcome. Do you have something to sing about that God has done for you? Please Join Us.

Remember Pearl Harbor

It is good to remember Pearl Harbor with the unified effort that followed to defeat evil societies. I have been fortunate to visit Normandy France and the WWII museum in Caan, France. I have walked on the soil where Nazi leadership met in Nuremberg, Germany and the Holocaust memorial in Israel.
I remember visiting Pearl Harbor with my children when they were teenagers complaining why do we need to go here? Once they saw the introduction film they did not say another word – not one word – until we left.
My Dad US Army WWII fought in Europe
My Dad in law US Marine WWII fought in Iwo Jima
And always Thank my son Gregory for his service as a US Marine.
My memories are good, in the midst of horrific circumstances many did not survive.
We remember Freedom is not Free!

Advent Season week one

The first week of Advent – this is Advent Sunday
The Candle of Hope is the first candle to light. Hope is a light shining in a dark place. Hope is the light we have in Jesus Christ.
If you think about your life right now; Hope is what has got you this far. Hope is important to share in this season as many will think of being Hope-less rather than Hope-full.

HOPE is a powerful thought!

Giving Thanks

Let the Peace rule in your life, let God’s Word dwell within you, be ministry focused, regularly express gratitude Col 3:15-17
This morning’s Bible Study fits for Giving Thanks 🙂